Brain-Storming Reasearch Action

This research action has been very interesting to me.  I have been researching about many different organizations.  My favorite cause so far is one about conserving energy.  I have been planning on starting a conservation group called, “Kids 4 Conservation.”  However, I also liked the voting cause.  It was mainly on how people could be able to inform the youth about voting, and encourage them to get out and vote. 

Add comment March 4, 2008 jomckay

This week has been pretty crazy.  I have learned that George Orwell had a very confusing mind! In the book that I am reading, he can change the tone in just a single sentence! His writing style is definately something that I want to research some more!

During spring break I plan to do mainly one thing.  SLEEP! YAY!  However, I also have a ton of scholarships, homework, and other projects that I need to work on.  I have to do some more research on my british author, and hopefully get the research paper started. 

Add comment March 4, 2008 jomckay

British Author Update

During this week, I have still been reading my book by George Orwell.  I am finding that it is finally getting a  point.  I have also researched George’s biography.  I don’t feel like I have done much because I was absent for Monday and Tuesday. 

Add comment March 4, 2008 jomckay

British Author

I am doing my British Author Project on George Orwell.  I have been having a dificult time finding information on him as he wrote under the pen name, George Orwell.  I would like to learn some more aobut his personal life, and exactly why he got into writing.  I have been reading his book, and have been having problems in understanding his point.

Add comment March 4, 2008 jomckay

First BLOG

So this is my first blog because my other one was stupid and wouldn’t let me log in!

Add comment March 4, 2008 jomckay

Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

1 comment February 29, 2008 jomckay






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